Creatures of Transformation

Linda Mata
3 min readMar 8, 2021



Evolved from children carers, sheltering, and community builders, to Goddesses and political figures.

Creatures of transformation, women have been always a mysterious existence.

Throughout history, womens‘ roles are often overshadowed by strong muscular figures. Yet, some women have been pioneers and ahead of their times, gaining power and respect in a “man‘s world”. Like Marie Anne Mancini was the woman that inspired Louis XIV to become the Sun King.

Women held powerful positions but history rarely refers to them. The glory usually goes to their male counterparts.

Women have been transforming the world all these years behind the scenes. Yet, in some societies, women are perceived as the weak sex.

But if you read the story of Isabella d‘Este, weak it‘s not the word that someone would describe her. Women like Jean D‘Arc, Florence Nightingale, Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai don‘t seem “weak”.

We have proven our power through time, fighting for independence, equality, and rights. Yet, it seems that with the same power we can make, we can also break ourselves.

We are creatures of transformation. Our bodies transform during our life. We create human life, and we transform our images like a chameleon to fit our environments.

But somewhere we went wrong. Between advertising and marketing, we lost our self-awareness. We tried feverishly to copy an image that doesn’t exist.

We saw all the “flawless” models of photoshop. Beautiful skins and perfect bodies. We fell for it and felt so bad about ourselves. We tried to “fix” our image with products that promised to make us look like something that by nature doesn't exist.

Although Intelligent creatures, we still fell for the dishonest beauty. Social media and advertisements made victims of a huge beauty business whose only mission is to make us feel “not good enough”.

We inject toxins in our faces, to remain young, we torture our bodies to look like plastic dolls. Spending all our money on clothing and high heels just to “fit” the beauty standards. We‘re trying to alter our human nature by trying to prevent age and conceal our real characteristics.

But what‘s wrong with following a human aging process? What‘s wrong with looking like yourself? Why are we trying to change who we are and most importantly for whom?

If you think the answer is for men, it‘s the wrong answer. The majority of men have no idea of all these things we do to ourselves. So why do we do them?

Someone once said (probably a woman) “Women don‘t dress up and do their make-up for men, they do it for other women”. We are so competitive with each other that we don‘t only want to seduce the “guy” we want other women to see that we‘re better.

We are creatures of transformation, but instead of transforming our lives for the better, we‘re trying to transform our appearance.

What if, instead of investing all the money we earn on items, investing them in our own personal growth? What if instead of bullying each other, support each other and help each other rise?

What if we realize how worthy we are?

Focusing on how to look better will only take us so far. But focusing on how to do better, we will have a happier, healthier life.

It‘s not only men that are keeping us back from better employment, it‘s not only the economy.

It‘s also us.

We keep ourselves back, by fighting and competing with each other. By distracting ourselves with pretty things and with likes.

Don‘t give me wrong, self-care and wanting to feel and be beautiful‘s not wrong. But we are our best selves when we‘re happier.

“Perfection is a disease of a nation”, as Beyonce sang it.

Happy International Woman‘s day!!

P.S. Here‘s a scientific approach to our female nature, by Desmond Morris.



Linda Mata

Remote community manager | Entrepreneur | Author | Influential and transformative community leader | Focused on building impactful global communities